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Hugh Condron - Family Law Centre - Victims of domestic violence to receive full pay as part of new domestic violence leave measures


Victims of domestic violence to receive full pay as part of new domestic violence leave measures

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth 


The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, has today announced that victims of domestic violence will receive their full pay if they need to take domestic violence leave.

Domestic violence leave will be formally introduced in the autumn with the publication of regulations setting out the rate of pay and guidance for employers, currently being developed by Women’s Aid. The new form of leave was introduced as part of the Work Life Balance Act, passed earlier this year.

Speaking today, Minister O’Gorman said:

"Domestic violence leave gives a victim of domestic violence the chance to access support without impacting on their employment and income. It is important that they can take the leave without worrying about losing income or being put at more risk. Ensuring that they can receive their full pay will go a long way to help with this."

The decision on the rate of pay was reached following consultation with employers' representatives, trade unions and domestic violence support organisations. The requirement to consult with domestic violence support organisations on the rate of pay was added to the legislation at Report Stage by Minister O’Gorman to ensure that those who work most closely with victims of domestic violence would have the opportunity to contribute their views to the process.

Minister O’Gorman went on to say:

"The decision on the rate of pay was taken following consultations with a range of bodies, and their views are reflected in this decision. Any issues raised in the consultations regarding the leave will be taken into account in the review of the provisions."

 Section 7 of the Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 inserts a new Section 13AA into the Parental Leave Act 1998 (as amended) to provide for five days paid domestic violence leave.

The new section 13AA(6) requires the Minister to make regulations setting out the rate of domestic violence leave pay. In line with the new section 13AA(7), the Minister consulted with employers representatives, trade unions and domestic violence support organisations.

Regulations to give effect to the rate of pay will be published in the autumn and section 7 will be commenced then.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has commissioned Women’s Aid to develop supports for employers to develop their own domestic violence workplace policies and these will be published at the same time as the leave is commenced.


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