Hugh Condron - www.familylawcentre - How are Pensions dealt with in Family Law proceedings?

How are Pensions dealt with in Family Law proceedings? When you end your marriage (or civil partnership or cohabitation) by judicial separation, divorce or dissolution, the court can decide to share your assets with your former partner or any dependent children. This is to make sure that proper provision is made for all parties. While the family home is usually the most valuable asset, your pension can also be considered an asset and sometime the value of your pension can be the greatest asset. This means the court can order that your pension be divided into whatever shares it considers appropriate. This is called a Pension Adjustment Order. Pension Adjustment Order A Pension Adjustment Order is when the court orders your pension be shared with your former spouse or civil partner, and (or) any dependents, such as children under 18. For example, if one person has a substantial pension, and the other person who worked in the home raising the children etc., has no pension, the...