
Showing posts from August, 2024

Hugh Condron - How to get a Divorce in Ireland? - Family Law centre

  Here's a brief overview of the history of divorce in Ireland: Until 1995, divorce was constitutionally banned in Ireland. The ban dated back to the 1937 Constitution, which reflected the strong influence of the Catholic Church on Irish society and law. In June 1986, a referendum to remove the constitutional ban on divorce was defeated. In November 1995, a second referendum narrowly passed (50.28% in favor), allowing for the introduction of divorce legislation. The Family Law (Divorce) Act was enacted in 1996, officially legalising divorce in Ireland. Initial divorce laws were relatively strict, requiring couples to live apart for four out of the previous five years before filing. In 2019, a referendum passed to ease divorce restrictions, reducing the separation period to two years. It is worth noting that the two years living separately includes time spent living separately and apart under the same roof.  hugh condron hughcondron How to get a divorce Once you have been living sep